Facing a crisis is widespread civilization.
The search for a new paradigm of coexistence of a relationship with the Earth as pact of society to respect and preserve everything that exists has life. We must again have hope of solution, and only from this change makes sense to start thinking of alternatives. The symptoms of this crisis are reflected in all directions:
- Children are used as production workers for the world market; flagellates by many countries suffer the misery, with disease and hunger;
- The industry puts the fate of excluding the elderly pensioners and unemployed and the disregard of the culture of solidarity is powered by neoliberals praised the privatization of property, lack of hope for the establishment of societies culturally alienated and uprooted, living in hopes of miracle cures, the loss of a culture of sensitivity,
- Kindness, excess exposure to violence shown by the media without shame or scruple,
- The lack of morality policy, the acceptance of corruption, the illicit enrichment of politicians, - the lack of outrage and action of revolt, the carelessness with biodiversity, billions of years in knowledge accumulated by the development may disappear between our fingers, the disaffection of our Earth,
- The neglect in safeguarding their wealth and natural beauty, contaminated soil, water poisoned, dense air of pollution, destruction of native forests with all the home of the beings that inhabit.
A principle of self grows and tends to dominate the human mind as it seemed a normal way of thinking, capable of undermining the balance physical-chemical and ecological devastation to the planet's biosphere, risking all sorts of living of the world.
Life is dated some millions or billions of years of evolutionary development, threatened by the more modern and ultimate creation. This lack of which it does not identify its sources or more are recognized with the elements that formed. (Lomborg, 2002)
According to Sachs (1993), the world population tends to double their number by the end of the twentieth century, therefore, is essential equitable development of human society to reduce social differences. Because those who benefit from the unequal sharing of resources on a global scale have to cede a portion of the green space they occupy those who need.
Over years of destruction, environmental degradation and extraction of finite resources in an economic and developmental progress in accumulating wealth and unequal speed, causing climate change, threatening the habitability of the planet and the survival of the species with companies of double speed, e.g. uneven, creating real companies of apartheid. Sachs notes that the vision is:
a) The transition to a socially equitable development and respectful of nature depends on the answers brought to the crisis of institutions which in varying degrees, affects the three groups of countries: the Eastern, the South and the North and the international system;
b) The future of developing countries depend on their ability to find effective settings of public and private sectors in order to regulate relations between the social and economic, on the one hand, and on the other, between the economic sphere and nature;
c) The prosperity, the North appears as a model, but not feasible to extend the entire planet, the amount of resources that society demands of consumption and the amount of waste it produces and disposal in nature, so your question is required for strategies transition to a more sustainable development on a planetary scale;
d) Economic growth is necessary but in no way sufficient to ensure the development, growth can support the development or real problem of poor development, which refers to the qualitative criteria. You can think about the technique of extensive growth for the intensive growth, e.g., we must oppose the idea of a civilization is the fair share of the take;
e) the needs are tangible and intangible, is ethical, political, social, cultural and economic, ensuring income, improving purchasing power, access to a parcel of arable land, or a social program of distribution;
f) the industrial civilization in the north and their replicas in the south are characterized by the enormous waste of land resources, which entails the destruction of capital nature. This waste, in a way, is a reserve of development, these resources saved through a more rational administration, could finance the social spending or investment, alongside highlighting renewable resources. The needs are to refocus the science and techniques to the priorities of development, within the rules of prudence ecological, recent biotechnological progress to develop a modern industrial civilization in the production of an increasingly wide range of industrial products interacting with the many losses environment;
g) from examples of successful eco development, we generalize this approach and establish, through an experiment on a larger scale, production systems designed along the lines of natural ecosystems and that meet the three fundamental principles: social equity, ecological prudence and economic efficiency. Also for Sachs (1993), the primary task is to define global responsibilities of different groups of countries in establishing and driving the strategies of transition to the eco development. The greater effort must be made by the North, with a commitment to search for a sustainable development on a global scale, measured by three parameters: reduction of consumption of fossil fuels, changes in lifestyle wasted, wish to establish a mechanism that ensures a positive net flow of financial and technical resources from North to South, not the commercial viability of access to science and technology to developing countries.
Deep Ecology
The Deep Ecology proposed by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess in 1973 serves as a response to the dominant view on the use of natural resources.
Arne Naess falls in the tradition of ecological-philosophical thought of Henry Thoreau, in Walden proposed, and Aldo Leopold, in his Ethics of the Earth.
Called Deep Ecology by showing a clear distinction against the dominant paradigm. And that all issues arising from the destruction are directly related to human development.
First, the desire to assume a more comfortable life pointed the obsolescence of cream man said "modern" in its ambitions to unravel the science that the drunk to the point of obscuring the various natural sacrifices dedicated to their discoveries and hide behind of their technologies (BOFF, 2004, p. 22).
Paraphrasing Boff (2004), we can say that it consumes much of nature to create the fastest processor ever seen, or to manufacture a machine that replaces the agricultural work of a thousand men.
The greed of human beings have for that is not content to live with it and sells enough to think that it is the right to do so by hiding the excuses of progress and development, and has more than , meets his state of possession of material goods in exchange for the destruction of the natural, which is beautiful, simple, but diverse.
The rapidly expanding population sum in this framework of greedy humans, who have no control over their proliferation on the area of the planet where you can achieve the natural factors of population control, for it is an act of survival, e.g. man overshadows their longevity, they are able to avoid most of the factors leading to fatalities, although many others before suffering fatal situations. Is therefore an exception to the natural biological control, the human being escapes the rules of nature to balance the number of living persons.
For Boff (2004), is known as its participation in the web of life, as you would ask how independent the puzzle of life here on Earth.
Life on Earth can exist without human beings, but man cannot live without other lives to feed and exchange matter and energy. The relationship between humans and other living beings land denouncing his great folly, to satisfy your obsolescence ultimately lead to extinction several species living or indirectly affect the path to achieve its objectives superfluous.
The contempt in which human beings have considered other forms of life on the planet shows a lack of understanding of thin line that maintains the natural balance, which also suggests that ignores the need for maintaining this balance to perpetuate the living conditions on Earth.
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