Thursday, October 22, 2009

DNA Electrophoresis.

DNA electrophoresis is an analytical technique used to separate DNA fragments by size. An electric field forces the fragments to migrate through a gel. DNA molecules normally migrate from negative to positive potential due to the net negative charge of the phosphate backbone of the DNA chain. At the scale of the length of DNA molecules, the gel looks much like a random, intricate network. Longer molecules migrate more slowly because they are more easily 'trapped' in the network.After the separation is completed, the fractions of DNA fragments of different length are often visualizing a fluorescent dye specific for DNA, such as ethidium bromide. The gel shows bands corresponding to different DNA molecules populations with different molecular weight. Fragment size is usually reported in "nucleotides", "base pairs" or "kb" (for 1000's of base pairs) depending upon whether single- or double-stranded DNA has been separated. Fragment size determination is typically done by comparison to commercially available DNA ladders containing linear DNA fragments of known length.

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